9 useful things to learn and practice for your LC journey

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John McAfee

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The way of LC 4 TC

The way of LC 4 TC is very simple. Yet, it can be easy to get lost on your way. Here are 9 things you can do to keep you focused on your journey:

  • LeetCode
  • LeetCode
  • LeetCode
  • LeetCode
  • LeetCode
  • LeetCode
  • LeetCode
  • LeetCode
  • LeetCode (go do it)

Take a leap of faith

These 9 steps may seem daunting at first, but once you start you will feel the power of LC flow through you.

The first step is always the hardest. Once you take that step, the rest will follow. Even a 1000-mile journey starts with just one step.

It is an awesome feeling to begin the path of LC 4 TC. Come, join us on our journey for TC.